Unschooled: Great overview of unschooling

Unschooled by Kerry McDonald provides an excellent overview of the unschooling, or self-directed education, movement, illustrating the need to move past the public school model, and providing pointers for how to get started with your own children. Unschooled provides a compelling story for how the public school system is broken and how unschooling is the antidote. It gives practical tips on how to get started in unschooling your own children, covering options such as resource centers, dedicated schools, camps, after school programs, online communities, and more. Kerry McDonald has an M.Ed. degree in education policy from Harvard University and is a Senior Education Fellow at the Foundation for Economic Education. She writes about education at Whole Family Learning (http://www.wholefamilylearning.com). This is a great read for parents wanting to understand what self-directed education is all about, and where to get started. The book is an eye-opening read on how the current public education system inhibits creativity in children – it will likely resonate with parents reflecting on their own educational experiences, and will provide a call to action to ensure a better learning environment for their children. For some parents, the path to self-directed education for their children may seem daunting, especially working parents whose time is constrained. However, there are intermediate options to move toward creating pockets of open-ended exploration for those families as well, even if they keep their children in public schools out of necessity.

Grades: PK-12

Cost: The cost is only $12 on Amazon.


Key features

Type of Tool: Textbook

Time required: N/A

Special Needs:

Literacy Requirement (does a child need to know how to read):


Screens:  No, no screens are required

Online requirement:


Parent/Caregiver Involvement: n/a

Prep Time:  n/a

Other characteristics


Adaptive: N/A

Educational Philosophy: Unschooling

Other characteristics:   none of the above


Assessment: N/A

State Standards: N/A

Teacher Accounts:

Read Reviews: https://amzn.to/3zfbVAK

Purchase:  https://amzn.to/3Sb8S56


California Education and Environment Initiative: foster environmental literacy for students


Oxford Owl: Its free and explains concepts well