Right Start Mathematics

RightStart™ Mathematics is a complete elementary and middle-school program that uses visualization of quantities, de-emphasizes counting, and provides strategies and games for learning the facts. The primary learning tool is the AL Abacus,. RightStart Mathematics is a complete elementary and middle-school program which provides children a solid understanding, mastery, and love for math. This resources was created by Dr. Cotter as part of her outgrowth program in her doctoral research. Right Start Mathematics has many study modules and textbooks which could be bought on their website. It has resources for students as well as teachers. Parents love its fun and engaging way of teaching mathematics. It is a good choice for students from elementary and middle school. Some parents do not like that it is completely paid and it does not have any free modules from which student can learn and can get idea about the content. We strongly encourage parents or teachers to use this program for at least 2 years because mathematics is an exponential learning experience!

Grades: Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

Cost: Each unit offers a textbook or a module which ranges from $118- $131.87


Key features

Type of Tool: Website, Textbook

Time required: 2 hours/day would be suitable time for students

Special Needs: Gifted, Sensory processing

Literacy Requirement (does a child need to know how to read): Yes


Screens:  Screens are optional

Online requirement: Yes, it can be used offline


Parent/Caregiver Involvement: Parent/Teacher/Caregiver Help is NOT Necessary. Kids can use this independently.

Prep Time:  Minimal prep time

Other characteristics

Modality: Audio, Visual

Adaptive: No, it is the same for every student

Educational Philosophy: Not really, doesn't seem to be influenced by a particular educational philosophy

Other characteristics:   Hands-on, Self-directed learning, Fun and entertaining, Mastery-based learning


Assessment: Yes, there are built in assessment tools

State Standards: Yes

Teacher Accounts: No

Read Reviews: https://www.facebook.com/rightstartmath

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