Vocabulary Cartoons

For a self-directed and fun way to build vocabulary using cartoon pictures and mnemonic devices, we recommend both the elementary and SAT prep levels of Vocabulary Cartoons. Vocabulary Cartoons provides a unique way for students at both the elementary and high school levels to learn new vocabulary words in a self-paced and fun manner. Vocabulary Cartoons uses the mnemonic principle of association, to link an auditory word association and a visual association in the form of a silly cartoon. Each vocabulary word includes a phonetic pronunciation, definition, association link word, mnemonic cartoon with caption and sample sentences that incorporate the word. After every ten words, there is a review section incorporating both multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions. Vocabulary Cartoons is a great choice for visual learners, ESL students, and those with special needs as visuals and mnemonic devices have proved helpful in student comprehension and retention. Some parents thought the Vocabulary Cartoons books weren't rigorous enough, included some mispronunciations, and included some stereotyped depictions in the cartoons.

Grades: 1st-5th grade and 9th-12th grade

Cost: Each level (one elementary and two SAT prep) offers a textbook with built-in review for $13 per book.


Key features

Type of Tool: Textbook

Time required: The book is divided into sections of ten words followed by multiple choice and fill in the blank review tests. Parents can choose the number of words to learn in a day or per week, based on child's interest and abilities.

Special Needs:

Literacy Requirement (does a child need to know how to read):


Screens:  No screens

Online requirement:


Parent/Caregiver Involvement: Parent/Teacher/Caregiver Help is NOT Necessary. Kids can use this independently.

Prep Time:  No prep time required

Other characteristics

Modality: Visual

Adaptive: No, it is the same for every student

Educational Philosophy: Not really, doesn't seem to be influenced by a particular educational philosophy

Other characteristics:   Self-directed learning, Fun and entertaining


Assessment: Yes, there are built in assessment tools

State Standards: No

Teacher Accounts:

Read Reviews: https://amzn.to/3BueeCw

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