Story Pirates

A podcast featuring authors, musicians, teachers and comedians performing adaptations of stories written by children into sketch and song. A fun and engaging podcast that features Pirates (the hosts) on a ship as they adventure on the open waters while performing stories submitted by children. With it they have produced albums with their song performances, books based on the stories, have live shows, and hold a summer camp for creative story writers. The story pirates hosts believe that all children are creative geniuses, and set out to make a platform where children's stories can be highlighted and writing can be encouraged in a seriously fun way. This is a podcast that parents can stream or download for their learners to listen to. This podcast is fun to listen to, and really engages children to get writing on their creative stories as well. This podcast is generally hands off as it is about listening to stories rather than doing. The podcast also requires internet connection to stream or download the episodes.

Grades: All ages

Cost: The podcast is free, but the music albums, books, club and camp are available in the store.


Key features

Type of Tool: Podcast

Time required: 30-40 minutes per episode

Special Needs:

Literacy Requirement (does a child need to know how to read):


Screens:  No screens

Online requirement:


Parent/Caregiver Involvement: Parent/Teacher/Caregiver Help is NOT Necessary. Kids can use this independently.

Prep Time:  No prep time required

Other characteristics

Modality: Audio

Adaptive: No, it is the same for every student

Educational Philosophy: Not really, doesn't seem to be influenced by a particular educational philosophy

Other characteristics:   Fun and entertaining


Assessment: No, there is no assessment component

State Standards: No

Teacher Accounts:

Read Reviews:

GET Story Pirates Volunteers is a partnership run by 300+ volunteers and 80+ organizations pooling resources to provide a unified response to the current crisis and its impact on families. The hotline is staffed by volunteers with expertise in education and social services.

Dumbing us Down


Art History from homeschooling 2e