Scratch: Free online educational coding tool

Scratch provides a wide range of various coding activities such as animation, games, and videos that accomplices an interest for many students. Mitch Resnik wanted to encourage early skills of coding by providing a free resource for many students to prepare themselves for the next level of coding and interest. Scratch is a completely free online tool which educates the student on the basics of computer coding through fun activities to engage their child audience. Scratch is an online website which parents can log into their accounts and access various tools or applications which educates the basics of coding. Many students can play various education games and practice coding animation through the provided applications. Parents love how easy and engaging the educational coding activities that are provided on the website. Scratch would be a good choice for any students who are interested in learning more about computer science. Some families may be concern with the various gaming applications on the website that may seem distracting to their children rather than educational. Pre-K children may be too young to understand the applications or games provided on the website. Parents most likely would have to supervise to make sure their children stay on task. 

Grades: Designed for kids ages 8-16, but accessible to other ages.

Cost: The website is completely free.


Key features

Type of Tool: Website, Video game

Time required: Students generally spend about 30 minutes a day using Scratch.

Special Needs:

Literacy Requirement (does a child need to know how to read):


Screens:  Yes, an electronic device is required

Online requirement:


Parent/Caregiver Involvement: Kids can use it with no help from a parent, teacher or caregiver

Prep Time:  No prep time required

Other characteristics

Modality: Audio, Visual

Adaptive: No, it is the same for every student

Educational Philosophy: Not really, doesn't seem to be influenced by a particular educational philosophy

Other characteristics:   Self-directed learning, Fun and entertaining


Assessment: No, there is no assessment component

State Standards: No

Teacher Accounts:

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Calvin Tran

Calvin Tran is a software engineer with a B.S. in Mathematics Teacher Education from UCLA.

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