Math U See

Whether you’re new to Math-U-See or a long-time friend, you’ll find exactly what you need for your math student right here. Go straight to what you want, or let us help you figure that out with our Checklist for Success. 'Math-U-See is not grade level based, but rather a skills based mastery of concept approach to Math. Math-U-See uses manipulatives to allow abstract math concepts to be represented in concrete ways. They focus on understanding not just the "how" but also the "why" of math concepts.'' The founder was a high school teacher and decided to create this tool because he considered everyone needed math in their life. They offer exercises, worksheets, dvd's, Stewardship Calculators, online drill page. They also provide special learning for kids with dyslexia. From what I understood, they have different approaches for each type of student and a wide range of curriculums. I think they're very flexible so the parents can reach them with their concerns in order to find the best solution.

Grades: their math levels range from Primer (geared towards PK/Kindergarten age children) all the way through Calculus

Cost: Each student pack will cost between $30-200 but they also provide several free exercises and their app is available for only $9.99!


Key features

Type of Tool: App, Website, Kit

Time required: They don't recommend a specific amount of time, but typically most students spend 20-30 minutes per day.

Special Needs:

Literacy Requirement (does a child need to know how to read):


Screens:  the students will see the video from a DVD and will have to complete some worksheets from a worksheet generator

Online requirement:


Parent/Caregiver Involvement: if it's algebra 1 the kids need supervision, the remaining levels can be learned independently

Prep Time:  Minimal prep time

Other characteristics

Modality: Audiovisual

Adaptive: they offer a lot of free and different learning material but I'm not sure if it's possible to personalize

Educational Philosophy: Not really, doesn't seem to be influenced by a particular educational philosophy

Other characteristics:   Inclusive of diverse viewpoints and perspectives


Assessment: Yes, there are built in assessment tools

State Standards: unsure

Teacher Accounts:

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