Lego Mindstorms: Unleash the creative powers of LEGO® MINDSTORMS®

Lego Mindstorms are kits that were created so students can build robots that walk, talk, think and do anything you can imagine. The launch of Lego Mindstorms in 1998 coincided with the founding of the FIRST Lego League, a partnership between Lego and FIRST, a youth organization started by inventor Dean Kamen aimed at boosting student interest in engineering and technology. Backed up by fan communities of like-minded creative builders, as well as online videos, tutorials and inspiration for remix designs with LEGO Technic™ sets, LEGO MINDSTORMS offers the ultimate challenge for robot tech toy enthusiasts everywhere. By mixing LEGO elements, motors, sensors and the intelligent P-Brick with apps and programming software to bring LEGO creations to life, the MINDSTORMS robot kit inspires LEGO inventors of all ages to command their own buildable LEGO creatures, humanoid, snake and other intelligent LEGO inventions. It's unique because you can use your smartphone or tablet as a remote control to steer your robots and challenge your friends to fun robot games. The Free EV3 Commander App puts the power right in your hands., If you aren't looking for a hands-on learning project, this isn't for you! The robot kit is takes a learn-as-you-do approach as opposed to teaching students Robotics and Engineering theory.  

Grades: Ages 10–21

Cost: Prices for robot kits depend on the specific MINDSTORMS, but can range from $19.99 to $349.99


Key features

Type of Tool: Kit

Time required: The time taken to build depends on how complex a given Mindstorm is.

Special Needs:

Literacy Requirement (does a child need to know how to read):


Screens:  Screens are optional

Online requirement:


Parent/Caregiver Involvement: Kids can use it with no help from a parent, teacher or caregiver

Prep Time:  n/a

Other characteristics

Modality: Hands-on/kinesthetic

Adaptive: Yes, it includes personalization

Educational Philosophy: Not really, doesn't seem to be influenced by a particular educational philosophy

Other characteristics:   Hands-on, Project-based, Self-directed learning, Interdisciplinary, STEAM, STEM, Fun and entertaining


Assessment: Yes, there are built in assessment tools

State Standards: No

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Anushka Lakhani

Anushka is a student at the University of Pennsylvania. She is discovering unique ways to blend social impact, education, human resources, and technology to empower and engage change-makers of tomorrow!

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