History Quest : An inclusive, comprehensive history course for elementary-aged kids

An ideal fit for young history buffs

Updated on April 12, 2024

As a history teacher, I'm always looking for a curriculum program that succeeds at engaging students with captivating narratives and hands-on activities, while presenting an inclusive view of world events. That's why I'm excited to recommend History Quest. After spending months poring over thousands of reviews about History Programs, it’s clear to me that no other program teaches history in a way that's as in-depth and interactive than History Quest. Founded by educators with a deep commitment to quality, project-based secular education, History Quest is deeply loved by homeschoolers around the world who appreciate it’s phenomenal content and project-based approach. We love how it's designed to spark curiosity and critical thinking skills in young learners. It's an ideal fit for kids who are especially passionate about history and love project-based learning. While some families find the depth of content overwhelming and it may not be the best fit for kids who are reluctant learners, overall, it's a comprehensive and effective program. History Quest is designed for elementary grades. They have many sales and the comprehensive content is well worth the price of a textbook. Parents recommend purchasing the teacher guide.

Grades: 1st-5th Grade (Older students can use History Odyssey)

Cost: $22.99 to $36.99

Online Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/historyquest

Top Alternatives: Curiosity Chronicles and Blossom and Root River of Voices.

Alternatives for high school: History Odyssey (also developed by Pandia Press.

In-depth Review of History Quest

History is not merely a recounting of past events; it's a vital tool for understanding the present and shaping the future. By studying history, individuals develop critical thinking skills, empathy, and a sense of identity. It provides context for societal structures, cultural norms, and global interactions. Understanding history allows us to learn from past mistakes, celebrate achievements, and navigate the complexities of the modern world. Through history, children gain insights into human behavior, societal changes, and the interconnectedness of global events.

About History Quest

History Quest, developed by Pandia Press, offers a comprehensive and engaging approach to history education, specifically designed for elementary students. It presents history as a narrative journey, inviting learners to explore diverse cultures, perspectives, and time periods through captivating storytelling and interactive activities. History Quest aims to ignite a passion for history in young learners, fostering curiosity and critical thinking skills while providing a solid foundation for further exploration.

Who it's for

History Quest is tailored for elementary to middle school students who thrive on interactive and story-based learning. It is especially suited for secular homeschooling families seeking an inclusive and comprehensive historical narrative that respects a wide array of cultural perspectives. Whether you're a seasoned homeschooling parent or new to home education, History Quest offers a flexible and engaging curriculum that can be adapted to suit your child's learning style and interests.

Why we recommend History Quest

We highly recommend History Quest for its innovative approach to history education. Unlike traditional textbooks, History Quest goes beyond surface-level facts, delving into the nuances of historical events and encouraging students to think critically about complex issues. Its hands-on activities not only reinforce learning but also make history come alive for young learners. By combining storytelling with interactive projects, History Quest creates an immersive learning experience that sparks curiosity and fosters a lifelong love of learning.

How to use History Quest

History Quest serves as the backbone of history education, providing a solid foundation upon which parents can build. Supplement the curriculum with additional resources, discussions, and field trips to enhance understanding and cater to diverse learning styles. Encourage students to engage actively with the material through projects, presentations, and creative expression. History Quest offers a wealth of resources, including study guides, audio recordings, and hands-on activities, making it easy for parents to tailor the curriculum to their child's needs and interests.

What parents like

  • Engaging storytelling captures children's interest and sparks curiosity

  • Hands-on activities reinforce learning and promote creativity

  • Secular perspective allows for exploration of diverse beliefs and viewpoints

  • Inclusive content represents a wide range of cultures and historical figures, fostering empathy and understanding

  • Flexible curriculum adapts to suit individual learning styles and interests

What parents dislike

  • Some parents find the chapters too dense or lengthy for younger children, requiring additional supplementation

  • Lack of citations or bibliographies for fact verification raises concerns about academic rigor

  • May require additional time and effort to plan and implement hands-on activities

Who it's an ideal fit for

History Quest is an ideal fit for homeschooling families seeking a comprehensive, secular history curriculum that prioritizes critical thinking, empathy, and inclusivity. It caters to parents who value hands-on learning experiences and engaging narratives to stimulate their child's interest in history. Whether you're teaching multiple grade levels or homeschooling a single child, History Quest offers a flexible and adaptable curriculum that can be customized to meet your family's needs.

Special Needs

The program is noted for being particularly effective for children with different learning needs, thanks to its multimodal delivery that includes visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles.

Who it's not a fit for

While History Quest caters to a wide range of learners, it may not be suitable for families who prefer shorter, more concise lessons without supplementary materials. Parents who prefer a more structured or traditional approach to education may find History Quest's open-ended format challenging to implement.


  • History Hops" that allow students to 'travel' through time.

  • "Hygge History" sessions that promote cozy and engaging literary exploration.

  • Engaging narrative style captures children's imaginations and fosters a love of learning

  • Hands-on projects and activities reinforce learning and promote creativity

  • Secular perspective encourages exploration of diverse beliefs and perspectives

  • Inclusive content represents a wide range of cultures and historical figures, fostering empathy and understanding

  • Flexible curriculum adapts to suit individual learning styles and interests, making it suitable for homeschooling families of all sizes and configurations

Alternatives to History Quest

Curiosity Chronicles offers another narrative-based approach to history education, with a focus on chronological storytelling and hands-on activities. It may be a better fit for kids who crave more engagement.

Blossom and Root’s River of Voices provides a comprehensive, inclusive view of US History that’s a great fit for hands-on learners.

For middle and high school students, History Odyssey is also developed by Pandia Press and is an equally lauded program.

Is it worth the money?

The cost of History Quest varies depending on the specific materials purchased, such as textbooks, study guides, and supplementary resources. While some families may find it to be a worthwhile investment due to its engaging content and comprehensive approach, others may seek more affordable or diverse options to suit their needs and budget. Ultimately, the value of History Quest depends on how well it meets the educational goals and preferences of your family.

Where to Purchase History Quest*

History Quest materials can be purchased directly from the Pandia Press website or through Amazon and other online marketplaces. Be sure to explore different purchasing options and consider the availability of discounts or promotions to maximize your savings.

Affiliate Disclaimer

We want to be transparent about our relationship with Pandia Press. While our reviews are unbiased and based on thorough research and analysis, it's important to disclose that we may receive a commission from Pandia Press if you make a purchase through the links provided on our website. We also are an Amazon affiliate. This commission helps support our efforts to provide valuable information and recommendations to our readers. Thank you for your support!

What to look for in a history program

  • Secular perspective that encourages critical thinking and exploration of diverse viewpoints

  • Engaging storytelling that captures children's interest and fosters a love of learning

  • Hands-on activities that reinforce learning and promote creativity

  • Inclusive content that represents a wide range of cultures and historical figures, fostering empathy and understanding

  • Flexibility to adapt the curriculum to suit individual learning styles and interests, allowing for customization and personalization

Select Reviews

"History Quest has transformed history into our favorite subject, sparking curiosity and excitement in our homeschool!"

"The hands-on activities have been a hit in our homeschool, providing a fun and interactive way to reinforce learning and creativity."

"As secular homeschoolers, finding History Quest was a game-changer for our family, offering a comprehensive and engaging curriculum that aligns with our educational values."

"While some chapters felt dense, the overall experience has been positive, and my children have gained a deeper understanding of history through immersive storytelling and hands-on projects."

"I appreciate History Quest's commitment to inclusivity and representation, which has enriched my child's learning experience and fostered empathy and understanding."

Explore other History Programs

Manisha Snoyer (co-founder of Modulo)

For the last 20 years, I’ve taught over 2000 children in 3 countries (of all socio-economic backgrounds). I pioneered an English language program in a conflict region in the Middle East. I’ve worked as a bilingual public school teacher at some of the highest and lowest performing public schools and in all five boroughs of NYC. I’ve tutored 18 subjects in three languages to some of the wealthiest families in NYC, San Francisco and Paris to make up for shortcomings in private schools they were paying up to $60,000 a year to attend.

Since 2015, I’ve helped hundreds of parents start microschools (way before this was a household buzzword). I founded CottageClass, the first marketplace for microschools and learning pods that was part of the Techstars 2018 class. In 2019, I created a virtual learning program to help families through the pandemic, a free online math tutoring program (masteryhour.org), and schoolclosures.org, a hotline developed in collaboration with Twilio and 80 other partners including Khan Academy, Revolution Foods and the Crisis Text Line, that served 100,000 families impacted by school closures.

I’ve climbed trees with children in forest schools in San Francisco, and tested new digital apps with kids in seven countries.

I’ve also coached dozens of families at different stages in their homeschooling journey. Most recently, I founded Modulo with homeschooling dad, best-selling author and tech entrepreneur Eric Ries, to help families curate their children’s education, social and childcare experiences drawing from a diverse array of in-person and online resources.

During the last three years, I’ve devoted much of my time to reviewing and testing secular homeschooling curriculum and other resource. I’ve spent the last three years talking to thousands of secular homeschooling families, and poring over tens of thousands of secular curriculum reviews and testing physical curriculum and digital apps for with hundreds of students to find the highest quality, most engaging, personalized learning materials for every type of learner.

I’ve spoken about homeschooling and modular learning at multiple venues including SXSW EDU, NY Tech Meetup, and on the LiberatedEd podcast.

In 2022, Modulo was one of 8 organizations who were awarded the Bridge Grant from the Vela Education Fund to expand access to homeschooling and modular learning to under-resourced communities.

My experience in education and homeschooling has led me to believe that there is no perfect education for every child, but families have an extraordinary amount of wisdom they can apply to building the perfect education for their individual child.

My goal with Modulo is to make it possible for any family to easily build a customized education that their child will love, and that will empower the whole family to thrive, taking into account, social, emotional and academic needs.

I love to answer questions from parents and receive feedback on how we can improve Modulo, so feel free to reach out anytime! I personally answer all the questions and comments readers leave on my blogs.

In my free time, I like hiking, traveling the world, tasting ceremonial grade matcha, enjoying dark chocolate.

I graduated Summa Cum Laude from Brandeis University with highest honors, with a double degree in French Literature and American Studies and minors in Environmental Studies and Peace & Conflict Studies.

And I love to learn!


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