
For a scientifically informative and engaging curriculum on sexual education that accommodates to a variety of ages, we recommend Amaze. Amaze is a diverse curriculum that implements a variety of tool including lesson plans, videos, educational resources to support students in providing accurate and appropriate information. "AMAZE harnesses the power of digital media to provide young adolescents around the globe with medically accurate, age-appropriate, affirming, and honest sex education they can access directly online" Amaze uses videos, skill-building, lesson plans among other tools to implement a engaging, appropriate, and humor-based take on sexual education. AMAZE is a good choice for any individual interested in understanding better their own health and sexual education. It is a good resource for anyone from any age. Some parents may believe that some topics are inappropriate for young children and others may say that their youtube comments detract from the video's engaging material.

Grades: "very young children" and up

Cost: The best part of this educational resource is it's free forever! All you need to get started is sign up.


Key features

Type of Tool: Website, Youtube channel

Time required: Students often progress through the material on their own pace.

Special Needs:

Literacy Requirement (does a child need to know how to read):


Screens:  Screens required

Online requirement:


Parent/Caregiver Involvement: Parent/Teacher/Caregiver Help is NOT Necessary. Kids can use this independently.

Prep Time:  n/a

Other characteristics

Modality: Multimedia

Adaptive: No, it is the same for every student

Educational Philosophy: Not really, doesn't seem to be influenced by a particular educational philosophy

Other characteristics:   Hands-on, Self-directed learning, Inclusive of diverse viewpoints and perspectives, Fun and entertaining


Assessment: No, there is no assessment component

State Standards: unsure

Teacher Accounts:

Read Reviews:

GET Amaze Volunteers is a partnership run by 300+ volunteers and 80+ organizations pooling resources to provide a unified response to the current crisis and its impact on families. The hotline is staffed by volunteers with expertise in education and social services.

It's not the stork


Sex is a Funny Word